I stopped by the LEGO Store in Rockefeller Center twice this week, and found some great deals – 75% of some sets. Included is the Venator-class Republic Attack Cruiser set #8039 for $65. This is half off, but still a good find. At 75% was Home One Mon Calamari Star Cruiser set #7754 for a mere $35! Also, Midi Scale Star Destroyers were $13 and change:

Notice Rockefeller Center behind the display:

A bunch of Atlantis stuff was on sale for 75% off:

I arrived just as they were putting a lot of these deals out:

More Star Wars, Atlantis, and of course, Prince of Persia Ostrich Races for $6!

Some minifgure magnets, the Han Solo, Ewok, Scout Trooper set for $4.50 each. These were put out, and a moment later they were gone.

Some Racers sets on sale:

More Atlantis, that was priced around $13:

And finally, some more magnet sets, the less popular ones:

In all, some great deals, and proof that LEGO is still getting shipments of sale items. My visits were two days apart, and they had MORE sale merchandise the second time I went.