So the after-Christmas sales for LEGO were pretty underwhelming so far this year. Wal-Mart seemed to have the best deals, but it is wildly inconsistent from store to store. In the end, low stock levels seem to be the main theme in sales across the stores I checked or heard about. Below are images from Wal-Mart when they first opened on Dec 26th, as well as Target. For the sale, it seems that 90% of what they put on sale was sold out before they even posted the sale. Screenshot below too.
At Wal-Mart I picked up Dino 5886 T-Rex Hunter for 50% off, Mines of Moria for about 30% off, and Sith Nightspeeder for 50% off:
Here is what I found at Wal-Mart:
And this is what I found at Target:
Here is what offered just when the sale started, I believe on Dec 24th:
I agree! Found some good deals at Target on lego creator sets.
For the past week I’ve been to almost ten different Walmarts and not a single one had Jabba’s palace on sale for $79. So disappointed, but I did find Helms Deep for $89!
everything at walmart is cool with me everything at walmart when ur living ur dream. ps its a song