I am breaking up some LEGO Elite Clone Trooper battle packs, and admiring the inventory. Here is a look at opening up and combining 5 of the battle packs. First up, the clones, which are still some of my favorite minifigs:
The idea is to keep the clones, get rid of the commando droids and integrate the rest of the pieces into my bulk collection of playable LEGO. Here is everything sorted out:
Some great colors in this set, I love the dark red:
The commando droids. The dark brown color is very cool, but I’m not a droid fan. Maybe some of these pieces could be used in interesting ways in a MOC, but I will likely just sell them off:
All the accessories for the clones, you get a lot of extra dark red visors and such:
I have a ton of Elite Clone battle packs, I suppose I will build up a bit of an army of these… stay tuned!
Are the droids still for sale