I Bought a LEGO Set!

Well, for the first time after getting rid of most of my LEGO, I bought a LEGO set! I have been thinking about the Back to the Future set for awhile, and finally ordered it. I am trying to work within a boundary: only owning sets that I can display on a single shelf. The modular buildings will makeup most of my collection. Other than that, I have recently been wanting to have a small collection of some of the super hero minifigs. Which of course lead to buying two MORE sets in quick succession. It’s an addiction, I tell you!


For the super hero stuff, I plan on:

  1. Buying them new – without obsessing over getting the cheapest price by running around to a million stores. I absolutely love “the hunt” and I love the idea of getting “a deal,” but I find that process to take me off course way too often. For instance: waiting for 70% off at Target, spending $20 in gas to find the sets I want, and then feeling tempted to buy 8 other sets because they were too cheap to pass up.
  2. Open them immediately, take out the minifigs I want, display them within my modular building display.
  3. Sell off the other pieces in a group lot asap, and not worrying about profit.

All of this is being more intentional about crafting my collection, and working within boundaries. To experience LEGO without being overwhelmed by it.

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