LEGO Movie Sets and Minifigs Arrive at Target

My local Target didn’t have too many 2014 sets (no Star Wars, which is what I was hoping for), but they seemed to have a full selection of LEGO Movie Collectible Minifigs and building sets.

The minifigs were two aisles away, near the action figures:
LEGO at Target

On the other end of the action figure section, they had a LEGO Movie endcap display:
LEGO at Target

Here are the LEGO Movie sets in the regular LEGO aisle:
LEGO at Target

LEGO at Target

And LEGO Movie merchandise:
LEGO at Target

They had an okay selection of Hobbit and LOTR sets, plus TMNT and Castle:
LEGO at Target

Castle – and monkey!
LEGO at Target

Some City:
LEGO at Target

LEGO at Target

A very cool Creator plane:
LEGO at Target

More City:
LEGO at Target

LEGO at Target

Star Wars:
LEGO at Target

LEGO at Target